Brokenness or a Mask


As Christ-followers, we either walk transparently in brokenness for our sins, or in rebellion behind a mask of self righteousness and self deception.

Walking transparently in brokenness for our sins is very uncomfortable. No one wants to admit to a sin problem. We obviously all have them. We might share a generic struggle with pride,  having a bad temper, or self control as it relates to our weight.

But admitting that we habitually lie, have cheated on a spouse, struggled with pornography, or have a substance abuse issue is a different story.

We are reluctant to share our sin because we fear that others will think less of us. And sometimes our worst fears are confirmed. We share our hearts and are rejected. So we isolate ourself and we struggle and fail alone, often because we do not have a support system.

We are all broken and miss the mark. We are equally in need of redemption, healing and restoration.

Our unwillingness to be transparent is a rebellion against God’s call for us to live in community.

Our unwillingness to be transparent is a manifestation of our desire to rely on our own self righteousness rather than Christ’s.